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07/07/2022 - Content Transfers Functionality

Content Transfers

We have recently made available a Minor Update that now allows the capability of initiating an Inventory Transfer from Freeway with planned transfer lines based upon contents of specific Assembly Orders, Job Orders, Kitsets or Lists

It is quite common in some environments where they wish to transfer inventory from one warehouse / location to a temporary holding area (Warehouse / Location) in advance of picking that stock to a specific job or assembly order.

Currently in Freeway we can use a Style Template Type of TRANSFERASSIGNED to achieve a similar outcome, however this Style Template Type evaluates ‘all’ orders that have been assigned (via the Assignment Board) to a specific Freeway User up to a pre-defined horizon period.

This new enhancement enables a user to scan a barcode (2D Barcode recommended) representing the Order or Step / Task etc.. to populate the planned transfer in Freeway for one or more orders. Further to this we are allowing the Freeway user to scan a List Code or a Kitset Code to further generate planned transfer lines. This allows environments to transfer the required inventory in advance of actually picking it.

Planned transfers are able to be generated for any of the following:
  •  Assembly Orders (All planned Items on the Order covering all Steps)
  • Assembly Steps (All planned Items on the Order covering specific Steps)
  • Job Orders (All planned Items on the Order covering all Tasks)
  • Job Tasks (All planned Items on the Order covering specific Tasks)
  • Delivery Orders (All items specified on the Delivery)
  • List Code (All Items specified in a Std List. Excludes dynamic lists)
  • Kitset Code (All Items specified in the Kitset)
  • A new Style Template Type of ‘TRANSFERCONTENTS’ has been created. This needs to be defined in your Style Template and made available to those users via the Style Template Matrix.
  • Any Freeway user whose is able to generate Transfers and has the appropriate Style Template available to them is able to use this new functionality. Therefore, the Order, List or Kit does not need to already be on the device. Eg: a Mobility User who is allowed to process Transfers and Jobs only will also be able to process Transfers for Lists or Kitsets etc..
  • Container Tracking may also be used in combination with this process as inventory may be transferred into Container(s). NB: Only Container Tracked Items can be transferred into a Stocking Container.
  • You can scan one or more ‘Contents’ into a transfer, however you will only be able to scan a specific Order or Task/Step once in the same Transfer. In the Case of Lists or Kitsets, you will be able to scan the same kit or list multiple times. Eg: If you need to transfer the contents of one kit twice, simply scan the barcode twice and the components will be accumulated together on the same transfer.
Barcode Setup:
In order to scan a Job, Job Task, Assembly Order, Assembly Step, List Code or Kitset Code we must define an appropriate barcode with some special prefixes that will tell Freeway and Ostendo what in fact you are scanning. The Barcode structure is as follows: Add the appropriate barcode to your report or labels
Job Order
#JO:ORDERNUMBER eg: where the Job Order Number = ‘JOB123456’ the barcode will represent the value of #JO:JOB123456
NB: The ORDERNUMBER field is in the JOBHEADER table

Job Order Task
#JT:ORDERANDTASK eg: where the Job Order Number = ‘JOB123456’ and the Job Task = ‘Commissioning’ the barcode will represent the value of #JT:JOB123456-Comissioning
NB: The ORDERANDTASK field is in the JOBTASKS table

Assembly Order
#AO:ORDERNUMBER eg: where the Assembly Order Number = ‘WO40003’ the barcode will represent the value of #AO:WO40003
NB: The ORDERNUMBER field is in the ASSEMBLYHEADER table

Assembly Order Step
#AS:ORDERANDSTEP eg: where the Assembly Order Number = ‘WO40003’ and the Assembly Step = ‘Finishing’ the barcode will represent the value of #AS:WO40003-Finishing
NB: The ORDERANDSTEP field is in the ASSEMBLYSTEPS table

#DO:DELIVERYNO eg: where the Delivery Number = ‘24566’ the barcode will represent the value of #DO:24566

List Code
#LC:LISTCODE eg: where the List Code = ‘Trailer Spares’ the barcode will represent the value of #LC:Trailer Spares
NB: The LISTCODE field is in the LISTMASTER table

Kitset Code
#KS:KITSETCODE eg: where the Kitset Code = ‘Dual Outdoor Light’ the barcode will represent the value of #KS:Dual Outdoor Light
NB: The KITSETCODE field is in the KISTSETMASTER table

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  1. Ian

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