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31/07/2023 - New Ostendo functionality To Be Used With Freeway

New Ostendo functionality To Be Used With Freeway

We are pleased to announce two new features in Ostendo which will allow for increased functionality when Freeway is used with Ostendo. These features have been introduced in Minor Update 135 along with Ostendo.exe Build 224

Restricting Linked Documents (Requires Build 224):
Linked Documents have been available to Freeway for some time by accessing the   (attachment icon ) from the Datasheet Info screen. Up until now Freeway would display all linked documents associated with the Order you are processing.

We now allow you to mark Linked Documents either available to Mobility or not. This means sensitive documents may still be linked within Ostendo, however they do not need to be exposed to Freeway users.

A new field (Mobility Access) on the Document Management screen now allows you to specify Mobility Access or not.
Two options are available:
  • All Mobility: Allows the Linked Document to be available to Freeway
  • No Mobility: Prevents the Linked Document being available to Freeway

Custom Procedures Run After Datasheets Are Updated (Requires Minor Update 135)

There have been many custom developments done by Partners to trigger specific events to occur after a Datasheet has been returned to Ostendo. eg: Create a record in a Custom Table, or update a record in a Standard Ostendo table. These have previously been achieved by creating custom triggers that are fired after the Datasheet has been returned to Ostendo. This works fine, however the shortcoming to this is that potentially multiple triggers have to be maintained and managed in order to achieve the desired result. This also makes it difficult to determine exactly what has been customised for a specific site in this area of Ostendo.

We are pleased to announce a new feature within Ostendo to allow a Custom Stored Procedure to be linked to a specific Freeway Style Template. Whilst the coding of this procedure still requires technical expertise, this will allow Development Partners the ability to encapsulate logic, inserts and updates etc.. into one procedure, rather than writing multiple triggers. This approach means all the customisation is held within each defined Stored Procedure, making maintenance of these customisations more manageable for the future.

It should be noted that this Custom Stored Procedure will only be run after all standard Ostendo Stored procedures and Triggers have been run upon on update of a Datasheet in Ostendo.

Each Custom Stored Procedure is linked to one Style Template Name (StyleName).

Initial Setup:
  • Develop your Custom Stored Procedure (we suggest the naming convention is prefixed with 'USRDEF_')
  • Create a simple Edit View over the MOBILITYPROCEDURES table
  • Enter the Style Template Name (StyleName) (NB: This is Case Sensitive)
  • Enter the Custom Stored Procedure Name
  • Enter a Custom Procedure Description
NB: Ensure a Style Template name only exists against one record

Processing of a Datasheet:

When a Datasheet is returned to Ostendo and 'Updated', Ostendo will run all standard Stored Procedures and Triggers first, and then check for existence for a record in the MOBILITYPROCEDURES table for that Style Template Name. If one exists, the linked Custom Stored Procedure will be run. If there is a technical issue with any data, Ostendo will roll back the entire Datasheet Update process.
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  1. Ian

  2. Posted
