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23/11/2021 - Daily Summaries & MYOB Response Code 504 Errors

Daily Summaries & MYOB Response Code 504 Errors

Over recent months some sites have experienced API posting problems (Response Code Error 504) when posting to MYOB AR Live. The common thread here is that these sites all have their MYOB databases hosted in the Cloud. MYOB seem unable to resolve these API problems in a satisfactory manner, therefore we would recommend the following:
  1. Sites experiencing persistent 504 Errors should consider bringing their MYOB database back to their local server or desktop environment. We believe this should eliminate or reduce these timeout errors.
  2. Seriously consider using Ostendo Daily Summaries to consolidate daily financial transactions together. This will significantly reduce data volumes being posted to MYOB.
Based on our discussions and feedback from MYOB, we believe the combination of both daily summaries and moving the MYOB database from the cloud will assist those sites who are experiencing persistent 504 errors.

Daily Summaries should be considered when you are integrating with MYOB, Xero or QBO

How Daily Summaries Work:
If Daily Summaries are NOT turned on, when a Financial Record is created, equivalent journal header and lines records are also created at the same time for that one transaction. These journal records are then readied for immediate posting to the Accounting Software (based upon the posting frequency). This potentially means that for any one day there will be numerous journals being created and posted. ie: one Ostendo transaction = one GL journal and lines

If Daily Summaries are turned ON, only one journal will be created for that day and thereby accumulated throughout the day ready to be posted the next day. As new transactions are entered in Ostendo with the same date, those amounts are accumulated at a Cost Centre Level into the same journal. By doing this we dramatically reduce the volumes of journals and lines being passed to the Accounting Software ie: many Ostendo transactions = one GL journal containing a small number of summarised lines.

By turning this feature on, a site may end up posting one journal per day per module with a small number of lines in it compared to hundreds if not thousands of individual journals and lines. This in itself will reduce the volumes being posted to MYOB thereby providing a better chance of posting without encountering API timeout issues.

Only journals dated "today" will be summarised. Any backdated transactions before "today" will be posted individually as they are created.(ie: non summarised)

Below is a Screen Shot example of how to set the Daily Summaries. Most importantly do not forget to set the Post Daily Summaries the Following Day.

It should be noted that Posting Standard Invoices and Customer Payments will be ignored from the summary process and post through individually as they are created. However we will be enhancing this further later this week by allowing you to summarise invoice lines together into a single line in the invoice when it is passed to the Accounting Software.
eg: Let's say we have a 50 line invoice of which 40 lines are to be posted to one cost centre and 10 to another. At present we would create an invoice in the Accounting Software containing all 50 lines. Whereas if this enhancement is used, that same invoice will only contain 2 lines. (ie: one summary line for each cost centre) in the Accounting Software. You should be mindful of this and check the Accounting Software is not making use of other software or features that may require all invoice lines to show. eg: third party pay now software used for end customers to download their invoice from the Accounting Software to pay.

We will notify you of this new feature (applicable to Update 238 and 242) later this week.

Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Ian

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
